From: Saprai, Prince <>
Date: 21/09/2021 15:55:44
Subject: SLS Annual Seminar for 2021 - New Directions in Private Law Theory

Dear all,

UCL Laws is delighted to be hosting an online SLS Annual Seminar in November on the topic of New Directions in Private Law Theory. There is plenty to interest many members of this group. Further information and registration details are copied below.

Online | New Directions in Private Law Theory

11 November 2021–12 November 2021, 9:00 am–6:00 pm

The SLS Annual Seminar for 2021 

Event Information

Open to




UCL Laws Events

About the Conference

The SLS Annual Seminar for 2021 - New Directions in Private Law Theory is to be hosted by the Faculty of Laws, UCL on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 November 2021

The conference will cover a wide range of topics in private law theory, exploring concepts employed both within and across recognised divisions of private law (contract, tort, unjust enrichment, and property) as well as the interplay between these divisions and other areas of law. The contributions come from a diverse and inclusive range of early career scholars who bring new perspectives to bear on issues arising in private law by drawing on philosophy and other disciplines in the humanities and social science.

Speakers include:

The conference themes include:

This conference will be delivered online on Zoom.

This conference has been convened by Prof Charles Mitchell, Prof Prince Saprai, Dr Fabiana Bettini and Martin Fischer.

Register your interest in attending this event


Best wishes,




Prince Saprai

Vice Dean | Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Professor of Law

Faculty of Laws, University College London

Bentham House

4-8 Endsleigh Gardens

London WC1H 0EG

Tel: +44 (0)20 3108 8376 (internal 58376)




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